Why Testicles Sore After Excitement

As a satirist once remarked: "The treatment is a confrontation between the body and the gains. "This is probably why many men prefer not to seek medical help and ignore the urologist's office until the last moment.

However, when it comes to sex, or the reproductive organs, shyness and self-confidence pass without a trace. Especially when problems with the testicles start, when you don't know what to do and how to go on living. We'll talk more about possible reasons and solutions.

pain in a man's testicles after excitement

Why is this happening

According to statistics, sexually active men rarely seek medical help. Approximately 12% of men feel pain after intercourse and only 2% of them go to the doctor in a timely manner.

The reason for the torment can be the following reasons:

  • disease of the vas deferens (infection);
  • expansion of the plexus plexus veins;
  • trauma to the scrotum;
  • prolonged sexual abstinence;
  • tumors in the reproductive system.

Each of these reasons arises individually, and at home, on its own, does not resolve itself. Therefore, for the timely initiation of treatment, we will consider the main symptoms of these illnesses.

New bodies of the reproductive mechanism

The problem may not appear for a long period (from 1 to 10 years). In this case, over time, the man will begin to feel pain in the testicles after excitement or after intercourse. The reason for the development of third party cells can be the following diseases: hydrocele, orchitis, vesiculitis, prostatitis, cystitis, etc.

The nature of the occurrence is the same for everyone - the rapid development of atypical cells. Typical symptoms are:

  • pain to touch;
  • the formation of dense areas within the scrotum;
  • the seal has clear boundaries;
  • after the end of sexual intercourse, the pain goes away.

An unambiguous piece of advice that will be helpful is to seek medical help. It is not possible to solve the problem alone and it is easy to get a malignant tumor that turns into cancer.

urethral canal disease

Alternatively, the suffering could be due to infection. The main causes of infection are:

  • severe hypothermia;
  • sex without contraceptives (unprotected);
  • antibiotics.

Each of these factors can alter the microflora of the urethral canal. The subsequent disease of this channel can affect the entire microflora of the reproductive system. More specifically, the infected vas deferens becomes inflamed, causing discomfort when urinating and severe pain during intercourse.

lobular plexus

A much more serious problem is the change in the volume of the spermatic cord veins. Simply put, if the veins responsible for the blood supply for seminal function are enlarged. As a rule, it manifests through the left testicle and, very rarely, when it manifests through the right testicle. The disease is not lightning fast and therefore, in the early stages, is accompanied by discomfort in the groin area.

Mechanically, this looks like an expansion of the vein, as well as its "twist" with others. It is known that the position of the spermatic cords has not changed, but the true reasons for the twisting of the veins have not yet been established. With this disease, the testicle is twisted 5 to 10 degrees from its "native position".

The problem is that after changing position, the patient has 1 day to preserve the iron atrophy. It is later removed to preserve organ pairing. You can return the veins to their position in 2 ways: Ivanissevich operation or Marmar operation.

scrotal injury

pain in a man's testicles

It is usually divided into 2 types: open and closed. In the first option (cut, puncture, bullet wound, etc. ), help is provided immediately. The second option involves soft tissue injury. More specifically, they are blows, takedowns, unsuccessful riding, and so on.

According to statistics, the pain occurs immediately and, in time, it goes away. The recipe for how to relieve pain is very simple, you need to apply ice or a cold compress to the damaged area for 5 to 7 minutes.

If a blood clot formed as a result of the blow. As an external sign, it manifests as a bruise. Acute pain on touch is a characteristic symptom. Treatment is prescribed only by the treating physician. The internal hematoma in the groin area, unlike normal, tends to expand, causing infertility.

prolonged abstinence

As the French writer Ninon de Lanclos once remarked: "Women are more likely to give themselves up on a whim than out of love. "Literally, this means that despite high feelings, marital status, and the circumstances of connection, menthey don't always shine in intimacy with the opposite sex. Long-term refusal threatens to affect one's health. With prolonged excitement, the testicles ached at the slightest excitement.

The reason is excessive sperm production or constant stress. The first case provides for the self-regulation of the organism, through its decomposition. But if there are too many of them, there is an increase in the volume of the gland, which is accompanied by pain.

The second option occurs for the same reason. Furthermore, such symptoms are seen not only in adults and men, but also in adolescents. That's why boys have pain in their testicles during puberty.

If a boy's testicle aches before puberty, immediate medical attention is needed. Probable causes can be described above and genetic diseases that require attention.

Secrets of traditional medicine

herb to relieve testicular pain in men

Among all the recipes that can be found on Internet portals, honey is considered the most popular ingredient. The product has anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties.

The following medicinal decoctions are also popular:

  • linseed compress (crushed and ground);
  • cabbage leaf compresses and lotions;
  • bean flour-based poultice.

This is not the entire popular cure list. The average duration of treatment procedures is 7 to 10 calendar days. Note, however, that these options do not offer a 100% chance of health.


Most people of the stronger sex prefer to remain silent about testicular pain. Guided by the principle "there are 2 diseases in the world: a trifle and a kapet", many do not pay enough attention to the problem.

As a result, the problem only disappears in 2%, the remaining 98% harm the body. Therefore, if pain does occur, we strongly recommend that you see a doctor, it will not take long and the health benefits are tangible.